In recent weeks, a new pandemic has spread globally, known as COVID-19, or coronavirus disease, which started from China. The outbreak has spread in major countries such as the US, UK, South Korea, Netherlands, Spain, and many others, with Italy being worst hit amongst them.
In this situation of outbreak, it is of utmost importance to stay informed about the pandemic – what is it about and how to deal with it – and therefore you must get acquainted with all you can. Read on to find out more.
What is COVID-19?
COVID-19 is caused by a new member of coronavirus family and like others is spreading to humans. According to World Health Organization (WHO), this disease has been declared as a pandemic spreading throughout the world. This disease can cause a myriad of illnesses which ranges from common cold to pneumonia.
How do I know if I am infected?
According to the WHO, the commonly found symptoms in those who are infected with COVID-19 are fever, lethargy and a dry cough. There are some cases where others have experienced diarrhoea, nasal congestion, sore throat and aches. As a matter of fact, it has been found that over 80% of people experience a mild case of COVID-19 and have been found to recover without requiring any special treatment for it.
How seriously does it infect people?
It has been reported that only a small proportion are probable for death cases (around 1-2 per cent). According to an examination by the WHO with data collected from 56,000 patients, only 6% have become critically ill.
What should you do?
The priority for you should be to prevent COVID-19 from spreading and help save the world by prevention. How can you do that? It is said that actions speak better than words.
Following some actions can really save lives:
- Wash your hands regularly with soap and water or used alcohol-based hand sanitizers which is a good on-the-way sanitation solution.
- Try to cover your nose and mouth properly when you sneeze or cough to avoid spreading of infection in the area surrounding you. You can use tissue, your sleeve or masks for it and avoid touching your face and mouth.
- Self-quarantine and follow social distancing. Avoid going to public spaces or any public transports.
- Make sure that you clean your homes and kitchen spaces properly including door knobs, doorbell or anything that can get contaminated.
Should you worry? You definitely should worry just enough to take the preventive measures in this serious pandemic that is affecting lives all over the globe. But at the same time you should not panic and stay calm. Staying home and saving lives is the greatest initiative you can do right now from your end.